The Huichol Indians
Huichol Indians are an indigenous tribe of unique and magical people. Little has changed in how they have lived for centuries. However, they do share segments of their traditions and mythology through their art.
Zuni Fetishes
The most renowned fetish carvers are undoubtedly the Zuni. The Zunis believe that fetishes bring luck, power, or protection. A fetish that has been ceremonially blessed by a priest, or shaman, is considered to be a ”true” fetish.
Russian Lacquer Boxes
Russian Lacquer boxes are incredible for their function and beauty. Learn more about their interesting history.
Cleaning Devices and Methods
There are several different jewelry cleaning devices. We’ll break down the devices and methods right here.
Guide to Anniversary Gifts for 1st to 50th
Wedding anniversaries are meant to celebrate your partner, your life you built together and your love. In this guide, we’ll share with you the jewelry gifts, colors, traditional wedding gifts and modern wedding anniversary gifts.
The Symbolism of Bracelets
Bracelets have throughout history held a great significance in both secular and religious circles. In recent times, bracelets have evolved to be a fashion accessory, and even these often hold special meaning for the wearer.